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In 1988 the Fair Housing Act was amended to include disability as a protected class. Disability is defined as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Unlawful policies and practices, and design and construction errors are the most common fair housing problems for persons with disabilities. Under the Fair Housing Act, persons with disabilities are allowed to request reasonable accommodations(changes to rules, policies, and procedures) and reasonable modifications(physical changes) to allow full enjoyment of a dwelling.

Examples of discrimination may include:

  • 拒绝允许服务性动物或情感支持动物进入物业,或收取 "宠物费"。
  • 要求为轮椅或电动滑板车支付额外的押金,以防该设备对单位造成损害。
  • 拒绝让租户拓宽现有的门道以容纳他们的轮椅。
  • 拒绝为租户提供便利,让他们在不能再单独居住的情况下解除租约而不受惩罚。
  • 要求租户为无障碍停车位支付额外费用
