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Color was one of the first four protected classes covered by the Fair Housing Act of 1968. There is overlap between color, race, and national origin, but generally this class refers to the visible color of one’s skin. Discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin can occur between people who are of the same race, as well as between people who are of different races or ethnicities.

Examples of discrimination may include:

  • 基于某人的肤色而拒绝向其出租或出售。
  • 拒绝就住房问题进行谈判,或以其他方式使住房无法获得。
  • Providing different terms, rates, rules, conditions or fees based on skin color.
  • 对不同肤色的人征收不同或更高的费率或费用。
  • Steering or encouraging people of a certain skin color to live in a certain area.
