From 2019 to 2024, HOME collaborated with the City of Richmond to offer eviction prevention and diversion housing counseling along with direct financial aid, ensuring housing stability for thousands of City residents.
遗憾的是,用于这项援助的资金已经耗尽,"居家 "计划将不再接受新的直接经济援助客户。
家庭 "组织一直致力于改变导致弗吉尼亚州驱逐率高得令人无法接受的制度。我们正在倡导立法改革,以解决我们社区的驱逐危机。我们认识到,住房的不稳定性不仅会损害遭遇驱逐的家庭,还会损害他们所居住的社区。
- 社区财富建设办公室 (OCWB) 804-646-0258
- 住房资源热线:804-422-5061
- 首都地区振奋人心伙伴组织,电话:804-788-0050
In addition, HOME does not offer rental assistance or homelessness services. Please call the Housing Resource Line at 804-422-5061