Eviction Prevention & Diversion

From 2019 to 2024, HOME collaborated with the City of Richmond to offer eviction prevention and diversion housing counseling along with direct financial aid, ensuring housing stability for thousands of City residents.
Unfortunately, the funding for this assistance has been depleted, and HOME will no longer accept new intake clients for direct financial assistance.
HOME remains committed to changing the systems contributing to Virginia’s unacceptably high rate of evictions. We are advocating for legislative changes to address the eviction crisis in our communities. We recognize that housing instability harms not only the families experiencing evictions but also the communities they live in.
City of Richmond residents may reach out to:
- Southside Community Development Corporation
For other areas, please reach out to the Virginia Department of Social Services by dialing 211.
In addition, HOME does not offer rental assistance or homelessness services. Please call the Housing Resource Line at 804-422-5061