
헤더 이미지 페이지 템플릿 1 데스크톱 헤더 이미지 페이지 템플릿 1 모바일
블루 그린 스우시 그래픽 데스크톱 블루 그린 스우시 그래픽 모바일

Where we live matters.
But it shouldn’t.

Donate today! Join the movement to create housing opportunities free of discrimination for everyone. We all deserve a safe, stable place to live and access to good jobs, good schools, and healthy communities. Help us make it possible.


Any gift, large or small, makes a difference. Here’s how:

Other Ways to Give

Checks: Made payable to “HOME of VA” and mailed to:

Housing Opportunities Made Equal of VA
c/o Development Office
626 E. Broad Street, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23219

Matching Gifts: Make the most of your gift to HOME by requesting matching gift from your employer! Contact your Human Resources office for more information.

계획 기부: 홈에 유산을 남기고 싶으신가요? 엘리자베스 웡 개발 디렉터가 여러분의 자선 우선순위를 논의하기 위해 연락을 기다리고 있습니다.

엘리자베스 웡, 개발 이사
ewong at homeofva.org

Stock Donations: Housing Opportunities Made Equal gladly accepts stock donations as means of support. Please contact our Development Office to learn more about making a stock gift to HOME.

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