
Where we live matters.
But it shouldn’t.
Donate today! Join the movement to create housing opportunities free of discrimination for everyone. We all deserve a safe, stable place to live and access to good jobs, good schools, and healthy communities. Help us make it possible.
Any gift, large or small, makes a difference. Here’s how:
Other Ways to Give
Checks: Made payable to “HOME of VA” and mailed to:
Housing Opportunities Made Equal of VA
c/o Development Office
626 E. Broad Street, Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23219
Matching Gifts: Make the most of your gift to HOME by requesting matching gift from your employer! Contact your Human Resources office for more information.
계획 기부: 홈에 유산을 남기고 싶으신가요? 엘리자베스 웡 개발 디렉터가 여러분의 자선 우선순위를 논의하기 위해 연락을 기다리고 있습니다.
엘리자베스 웡, 개발 이사
ewong at homeofva.org
Stock Donations: Housing Opportunities Made Equal gladly accepts stock donations as means of support. Please contact our Development Office to learn more about making a stock gift to HOME.
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