
헤더 이미지 페이지 템플릿 1 데스크톱 헤더 이미지 페이지 템플릿 1 모바일
블루 그린 스우시 그래픽 데스크톱 블루 그린 스우시 그래픽 모바일

버지니아와 동등한 주택 기회

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626 East Broad Street
Suite 400
Richmond, VA 23219

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Phone: 804-354-0641
VA Relay: 711
Fax: 804-354-0690

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9AM–1PM, 2PM-5PM

Guests are seen by appointment only. Please reach out to your housing counselor or fill out the form below for assistance.

New Years Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Holiday Dec 23-27

If you live outside of Virginia, contact a HUD participating counseling agency in your area or a fair housing agency in your state.

To reach a staff member directly via email: View Staff Directory

If you feel you have faced HOUSING DISCRIMINATION, please fill out this intake form.
Anything else, please fill out the form below.

NOTE: HOME does NOT offer rental assistance resources. Find information for eviction, homelessness, or other resources.


If you feel you have faced HOUSING DISCRIMINATION, fill out this intake form 

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