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It is against the law for a housing provider to make sexual favors a condition of housing, to make sexual advances, or to engage in unwanted physical or verbal conduct that is sexual in nature.
Sexual harassment committed by a landlord, property manager, real estate agent, building manager, maintenance person, loan officer, insurance agent, housing provider, or any other person involved in real estate‐related transactions is a violation of the Fair Housing Act.

If the behavior makes you feel uncomfortable or threatened ‐ and basically makes you wish you could live somewhere else ‐ it may be a violation of federal and state fair housing laws. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, regardless of you or your harasser’s gender, sex, or sexual preference. However, women are the most frequent victims of this kind of sexual harassment, especially women who do not have very many housing choices.

There is no charge for any of HOME’s services and all calls are confidential. Although you may be scared to file a complaint, it is important that you report sexual harassment as soon as possible to protect yourself and others who may be getting harassed. It is illegal for a housing provider to retaliate against you for filing a complaint, so you cannot be evicted, have your lease non-renewed, or otherwise be punished for speaking up.

Examples of discrimination may include:

  • 如果你同意与住房提供者发生性关系,他们会向你提供特殊的条款和条件(例如降低租金或提供更大的公寓)。
  • 如果你拒绝与他们发生性关系或进行性行为,住房提供者威胁要赶走你
  • 维修人员拒绝维修或将你放在名单的末尾,除非你答应他们的性要求。
  • 政府工作人员威胁说,除非你提供性服务,否则将收回住房证明或凭证。
  • 住房提供者经常发表性方面的评论或盯着你看,让你感到不舒服
  • 当你在家时,房东经常未经允许进入你的公寓
  • 同一小区的另一个租户对你进行性骚扰,而房东拒绝采取行动制止骚扰行为

Disclaimer: HOME does not offer crisis response services related to domestic violence. Always call 911 if you are in immediate danger or a life‐threatening situation.

For resources and support for domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking contact:

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Alliance: vsdvAlliance.org | 1-800-838-8238
YWCA Richmond: ywcarichmond.org | 804-612-6126

Experienced sexual harassment in your housing situation?